Thank you for trusting The Lavender Labrador with your dog’s grooming needs. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully and please ask for clarification on anything you are unsure of. ‘You’ or ‘Your’ refers to the customer and their dog. ‘I’ ‘me’ or ‘The Lavender Labrador’ refers to the business and the business owner.

Dog’s Health and Welfare


  • It is the dog owner’s responsibility to ensure that their pet is fit and healthy; please notify me of pre-existing health conditions before your dog’s appointment. Elderly or unwell dogs are groomed entirely at the owner’s risk. The Lavender Labrador will not groom pregnant or lactating females due to the risks posed to the puppies.


  • While your dog is in care of The Lavender Labrador, their health, safety and wellbeing is the top priority. Although every care will always be taken, grooming is not without risks. The tools used are sharp, and dogs can move quickly and suddenly. There is a small risk that injuries such as nicks, cuts, quicking of nails and scratches can occur, even when every effort is made to ensure this does not happen. By leaving your dog to be groomed today, you understand and acknowledge these risks.


  • Dogs will only be groomed according to their tolerance of the process. If your dog begins to show signs they are struggling to cope at any point during the process, an alternative method will be used, which may impact the final result of the groom. For example if your dog will not tolerate clippers on their legs, scissors will be used instead which can give a different finish. Your dog may need to be muzzled for their own and my safety in some cases. In extreme cases, the groom may be terminated.


  • Being groomed can be stressful for dogs; it is not like a spa day for humans. As your dog’s wellbeing is the top priority, I will not push your pet past their limit if they are becoming too stressed or there is an aspect of grooming that they particularly dislike (e.g nails being trimmed, head dried). The Lavender Labrador (and I’m sure you) would rather your dog went home with a slightly less than perfect hair cut rather than being traumatised. You (the owner) agree to pay the full cost of the groom should it be terminated for your dog’s wellbeing.


  • Grooming may expose pre-existing skin and health conditions that owners may not have been previously aware of. The Lavender Labrador cannot be held liable for any pre-existing health conditions found on your dog.


  • It is your responsibility to ensure that your dog’s flea and worming treatment is up to date. If your dog is found to have fleas during the groom, you will be charged an additional £20 to cover the costs of deep cleaning the salon.


  • Under guidance issued by The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, The Lavender Labrador does not express anal glands or pluck ear hair. Please see your vet for these services.


  • You agree to allow The Lavender Labrador to obtain medical treatment for your dog, if it appears that he/she is ill, injured or exhibits any other behaviour that would reasonably suggest that your dog may need medical treatment. YOU AGREE THAT YOU ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF ANY SUCH MEDICAL TREATMENT AND FOR THE COST OF ANY TRANSPORTATION FOR THE PURPOSES OF SUCH TREATMENT.


Cancellation Policy

  • Please give at least 24hrs notice if you cannot attend your grooming appointment. This gives the opportunity to offer the appointment to someone else.


  • No shows and cancellations with less than 24hrs notice are subject to a charge of 50% of the cost of the groom. By signing these Terms and Conditions, you (the owner) agree to pay the whole 50% of the cost of your groom should it be missed or cancelled with late notice. Please be respectful of my time as The Lavender Labrador is an appointment business, and another client could have taken your appointment if I had known.


  • Please be on time for your appointment. If you arrive more than 10mins late, it may not be possible to complete your groom as it would impact on appointments I have scheduled later in the day.


Grooming Feedback

  • If you are dissatisfied with an aspect of the groom, please let me know before you leave. Reasonable and achievable requests to alter the groom will be carried out straight away, or changes noted for the next appointment. Refunds will not be given.


  • Any issues found after you have taken your dog home must be reported within 2 days of your appointment. The Lavender Labrador cannot be found liable for any issues that arise after this time has elapsed.


  • All prices are ‘from’. Prices could increase due to factors such as your dog’s behaviour, extremely dirty or matted coats, your dog being larger than the breed average, etc.


  • If your dog’s coat is matted, you will be charged a matting fee; this will be between an extra £5-£25 on top of your normal groom price. This is due to the extra time, skill and wear and tear on tools needed to remove a matted coat. By signing these Terms and Conditions, you agree to pay in full the costs associated with removing matted fur.


  • All grooms must be paid for in full before you leave the salon. The Lavender Labrador accepts cash and card. Bank transfers must be completed and receipt of funds confirmed before you leave the salon.

Aggressive dogs

  • The Lavender Labrador does not groom aggressive dogs.


  • If your dog displays aggressive behaviour at any point during the groom, the groom will be terminated at whichever point in the groom was reached, and you will be called to collect your dog. Full payment will be required. By signing these Terms and Conditions you (the owner) agree to pay in full for the cost of your groom should it be terminated due to your dog’s aggression.
  • Under the Dangerous Dogs Act (1991), the owner is responsible for bites or injuries caused by their pet.

Matting Disclaimer

  • Under the Animal Welfare Act of 2006 (2010 amended) section 5 – ‘all animals are to be protected from pain, injury, suffering and disease’. Matted (tightly tangled and/or knotted) coats can cause a variety of skin and health problems and are extremely uncomfortable for dogs.


  • Matted fur does not allow for air circulation to the skin and can cause hot spots or allow fungal or bacterial infections to proliferate. Fleas, ticks and other parasites can be lurking under matts, causing further irritations. Matts can also hold grass seeds, twigs, thorns and other debris close to the skin which can lead to injury and irritation. Matted fur pulls and pinches at your dog’s skin, and makes moving around or laying down extremely uncomfortable. If left unchecked matts will eventually rip the dog’s skin.


  • If your dog’s coat is matted, I will NOT brush it out; this would cause your dog extreme pain and discomfort. It may also cause your dog to become fearful of being brushed or groomed in the future; some dogs never recover from this trauma.


  • By signing these Terms and Conditions, you agree that if that your dogs’ coat is found to be matted, that you consent to the fur being shaved extremely short. Fur may have to be shaved from your dog’s face, ears and tail too. This is the most humane way of removing the matts. The skin under the matts may be irritated/bruised/sore which may become visible once the matts are removed. This is caused by the presence of the matts, not by the grooming procedure.


  • If your dog’s ears have to be clipped short due to matting, there is a risk of haematomas forming. Haematomas occur when the matting on the ear has become so tight that the blood supply to the ear is restricted. When matts are removed, the blood rushes back to the ear, making vessels burst. This can result in bruising or blood dripping from the tips of the ears. The Lavender Labrador will do everything possible to avoid this happening, but haematomas can occur hours after the grooming session has finished as the dogs shakes its head while it gets used to the new feeling of matting being removed. If this happens at home, it is recommended that the ears are folded on top of the head and sock with the toe part cut off is slipped over the dog’s head to hold the ears in place. Make sure to speak to a vet for further advice.


  • Removing matted fur takes time and skill. Although every care will be taken, when removing matts it is possible that cuts/nicks/scratches can occur. Sharp tools have to be used very close to the skin to remove matted hair; this can feel strange and dogs are more likely to wriggle around. Extreme care and caution will always of course be used , but the risk of injury exists. By signing this form and leaving your pet for grooming at The Lavender Labrador, you acknowledge the possibility of pre-existing issues caused by the coat condition, the risks associated with clipping a matted coat, and you give The Lavender Labrador permission to proceed. The Lavender Labrador is not responsible for injuries/health issues caused by the condition of the coat presented at the appointment.


Hot Weather Policy

  • Hot weather can be extremely dangerous for dogs, particularly flat faced breeds such as pugs, bull dogs, shih tzus etc; large breeds, and overweight dogs. Overheating can cause heat stress and heat exhaustion, which in can be fatal.


  • If outside temperatures are predicted to be higher than 28°C, your groom will be re-arranged.


You agree that The Lavender Labrador shall not be responsible or liable for any lost, or damaged personal property belonging to either your dog or yourself. You also understand and agree that your dog’s collar will be removed in the grooming area to prevent injury.

I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge and agree to all the information provided in these Terms and Conditions. I further attest that if I am not the sole owner or representative of the dog subject to this application that my signature is sufficient to enter into this Agreement for and on behalf of any other owner or representative.

This agreement covers the duration from the date of signature to date.


